Atlanta Personal Trainer and Fitness Training

Jeff Michaud is a Atlanta personal trainer who can improve your fitness level. I'm also a USPTA tennis instructor. This site is dedicated to personal fitness and health in Alanta GA.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Mixup that workout

Hello Atlanta group, always tell my people and when I work with my folks to switchup the workout from time to time, I suggest changing up exercises, reps, grips,duration of time of the workout etc about every 4 weeks. This called shocking your workout, give it a try in your workout program.

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Running for fitness

Hello Atlanta tennis group, here are some thoughts If your thinking about running and jogging to add to your overall fitness program, these are some ideas to think about for both the begginer and advanced runners,
for the begginer start out slowly, one techique is doing walk/run,
Training Level Definitions:
-Moderate: If you select a moderate program, your training miles will increase by about 10 percent per week. Your pace will increase very gradually.
-Hard: If you select a hard program, your miles will increase by about 15 percent per week. Your pace will increase very gradually.
-Very Hard: If you select a very hard program, your miles will increase by about 15 percent per week. Your pace will increase quite dramatically.
-Training Level Definitions

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Chest exercises and technique and some hints

Hello Atlanta Fitness and personal training group. Here are some of my key
Chest exercises and technique and some hints for there use in your workout.

I like to warmup with some light shoulder exercises and do some wall pushups wall pushups.For more size less reps more weight 8-12 reps more tone more reps less weight
-Incline Dumbbell Press
Dumbbells allow you to work through a greater range of motion and force each side of the body to work independently.
-Decline Barbell Press
Build size and strength and really isolate the chest.
-Cable Crossover
With the heavy pressing movements completed, do some "detailing exercises" that really deliver the pump. With the cable crossover, the focus is on good form and feeling the muscle contract.
-Smith-Machine Incline Press
Use an incline to target your upper pecs
-Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press (posted )
work each side independently,use dumbbells in a variation of the classic bench press.
-Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flye
Add depth and definition to your chest with this flat-bench move
-Smith-Machine Incline-Bench Press (posted )Use this gym staple to lift
more during this classic pec exercise
Incline Dumbbell Flye
Isolate your upper pecs with this variation on the flat-bench flye. I like to do 2/3 sets spread over about 45 minutes 2/4 times per week depending on your level/ fitness

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Abdominal Training (Abs workout)

I like to use this program at the begging of all my workouts to warm, it is a very good way to loosen up and get the workout off to a quick and a low impact start. On each each movement contract or suck the stomach in, it helps to really isolate the

abs Seated Knee Up crunch for all these exercises I recommend starting out with 20-50 reps working up to about 60 repes per exercise for a period of about 5-10 min
Bicycles crunch, Just as it imply’s move the legs in a bicyle motion while lying on your back
Medicine Ball Pass
Add this ab blaster to your current routine to shake things up!
Oblique Cable Crunch
Throw in a twist to carve up your obliques!
Crunch, basic type crunch
Use this basic move to tighten your midsection
Hanging Knee Raise
Target your lower abs with this advanced movement
V-up Balance is the secret ingredient in this exercise that makes it an ultimate ab-flattener.
Swiss-Ball Reverse Crunch
By using a Swiss Ball, you will target your lower abs better and get a ripped midsection
Swiss-Ball Crunch
This scientifically-proven variation of the basic crunch will work your midsection more effectively.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Triceps Workout exercise program, advanced body building strategy

This program is designed for the advanced body builder to really shock those triceps, For more size do more weight and less reps (6-8) for more toning do less weight and more reps (12-25). These would be examples of the exercises to do, sorry I don't have pictures but i tryed to make the exercises descriptive.
Triceps Dip, this can be done a dip bar which is a parrell bar machine, also can be done on a bench, A compound move for adding arm size
Put added emphasis on the long head with this triceps movement, grasp wieght tightly and turn the wieght upside-down over your head
Rope Pressdown
Burn your tri's with this isolation exercise
Close-Grip Bench Press
change in grip turns this chest exercise into a tricep tightener.
Seated Two-Hand Overhead Extension,
Target your triceps with this shaping movement
Dumbbell Kickbacks
final exercise with lighter weight and super-strict form.
I recommend 2 to 3 sets, switching the order can also spice up the workout.
Good luck and great workout.

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Comparing running on Roads and the Treadmills, strategys and thoughts

Running on roads can be quite a shock to the system if you're not used to it, I had a personal training client who was disappointed in his performance and struggling to see past this temporary setback, This is the practical training advice to help him succeed in pounding the streets and moving from the gym and his treadmill.
His running question "I have just started running outside (with a GPS watch), whereas previously all my running was on a treadmill. I've found it so much tougher outside, it's really depressing! Either I stick to my treadmill speed and can only manage half the distance I would normally expect to do, or I run at a comfortable pace, which is about 1mph less than I would normally run indoors. Is this just me or do others find a big difference. The answer is yes but with some of the below stategys's and thoughts. First Making time to run is more important than where you do it, I recommend running in a variety of surfaces and different times of the day etc. Increasing the belt speed is the best way to mimic running outdoors
Running on a treadmill is easier than running outside. I tend to set my treadmill to one mph faster than my outside speed to get the same as an outside workout. I personally wouldn't set an incline on your treadmill to replicate running outside as it doesn't use the leg muscles in the same way. Although that's good for all-round toning, if you clock up loads of miles on the treadmill it'll build up your calves in the wrong places. · Structure your sessions according to your goals
• It all comes down to why you run. If it's for fitness, it does not matter that you are slower outside, a workout is a workout. Follow a training plan and you will get faster and fitter. If you are training for a race (highly recommended, especially somewhere different to where you live and train), then you need to run outside. If you run because you love running then this is a moot point - who in their right mind wants to run on the spot breathing in stale air? As for jeering idiots, the population is getting fatter while you're getting fitter, so think happy smug thought and keep running

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Weight training do's and don'ts

The weight-training can have an exciting time in the gym if they follow certain rules and avoid one or two machines. The machines to avoid in an upper body workout, except perhaps on the day of competition, would be to avoid a military press. A military press machine can often lead to impingement syndrome of the shoulder with pain while trying to do overhead work. Instead of using the military press, because it is important to exercise those muscles, you can get the same results by doing an incline press.
When doing upper-body strengthening, you want to keep your hands in your peripheral vision at all times. If you can't see your hands and fingers, the benefit of that exercise has been shown to be minimal. So if you are grabbing the bar and pulling it down behind your head, you should not go further to the point that you can't see your fingers and rather perhaps you should put it in front of you.
Most of the equipment to exercise your upper body has handles that are placed for a generic 5-foot-8-inch to 5-foot-10-inch man with a certain build. Even though the handles are put at a certain distance it is important to grab the bars at a shoulder-width distance apart. Doing wide grip lifts, except on the day of competition, offer little advantage compared to a narrow grip lift and a narrow lift grip will not injure certain parts of the shoulder.
In the lower body you should try to avoid seated leg-extension exercises. When you do seated leg-extension exercises to strengthen the medialis the patella tendon, often in people too numerous to count, can't tolerate the exercise because of the weight and the stress that's placed at the ankle. Patients come in with either arthritis of the kneecap or patella tendon pain. Simply stopping the exercise, that is, the leg extension, and substituting a one-third knee bend with an elastic cord to offer resistance, can give the same buildup of muscles without the detriment of injury.
Most exercises in the lower body should be done with a short arc eccentric load, because squatting down fully, while exciting to the trainer, offers no advantage for the muscle and only allows for injury to occur

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Comon injuries of part-time athletes. Tips to avoid and to lesses injuries

Our body long to be active, But we need to temper it with a consistent program, so that when we do go out and participate in tennis, running, swimming, golf, whatever it is, that the muscle memory is there so that that body part performs without getting injured. As you get older into your 40s and 50s because the body loses the memory of the muscles and so it takes more time to warm up the muscle and if you use it in a competitive way without warming up, you're going to injure yourself. The other part is start out slowly but a exercise program, this where are a personal trainer or other fitness pro can help, bad technique can lead to real programs.
The other part is once a program warmup slowly, I like to start out with abs(Situps, crunches etc.) training

In the upper body it's a seasonal thing. In spring and summer men and women like to play tennis, baseball or softball, generalized overhead racquet sports. Early March April here in Atlanta especially is when we see rotator cuff tears, that is, shoulder muscle tears. That's simply because the muscles have never warmed up and the winter has passed and they haven't used that body part. The other problem with the upper body is the weight training clients that insist on doing high weights with low repetitions, as opposed to doing low weights with high repetitions.

The common lower body problems are with joggers, runners and to a lesser extent walkers who increase their mileage suddenly and may go out while they're used to doing two miles, and suddenly do 20, and get knee pains that promote early arthritis to the knee, because they didn't build up the muscles around the knee, that is, the quadriceps muscle. People don't stretch because it is annoying, but when they start playing running sports like baseball or soccer, they get groin injuries, hamstring tears and even some foot injuries.
With good form understanding your limits and hopefully some good coaching these problems can be minized

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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Gyms, workout facility's personal training facilities Atlanta GA 30308, 30309 and 30305

These gyms and workout facilities offer fullservice personal training, free wieghts and arobic training and more.
Eagle Claw Kung Fu Center -
931 Monroe Dr NE # 206 30309, Atlanta - (404) 724-9303
1 review, directions, and more »

Fitness Factory -
500 Amsterdam Ave NE # 30308, Atlanta - (404) 815-7900
3 reviews, directions, and more »

Family Life Center -
2715 Peachtree Rd NE 30305, Atlanta - (404) 231-0375
2 reviews, directions, and more »

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Monday, December 03, 2007

Cardio Exercises tips and how to's,

5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat
Stop making this 1 major mistake & you'll finally lose your belly fat. This article cam from and I agree very much with the contend, I preach these concepts to my personal training clients here in Atlanta

Ready To Work For That Better Body? Unveil Your True Self Today.
With almost 40% of Americans overweight, it's clear that many of us are not following the latest fitness guidelines that prescribe an hour of exercise a day. In fact, there was no doubt a collective groan when people realized they would now have to find an hour each day to do something they can't seem to find 5 minutes for. How important are these guidelines and what can you do to make them fit into your life?
The Simple Facts About Cardio

Before we talk about how much cardio you should do, you should at least know why it's so important. Cardiovascular exercise simply means that you're involved in an activity that raises your heart rate to a level where you're working, but can still talk (aka, in your Target Heart Rate Zone). Here's why cardio is so important:

It's one way to burn calories and help you lose weight
It makes your heart strong so that it doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood
It increases your lung capacity
It helps reduce risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes
It makes you feel good
It helps you sleep better
It helps reduce stress
I could go on all day, but you get the point
Bottom line: you need cardio if you want to get your weight under control and get your stress to a tolerable level.

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Saturday, December 01, 2007

Top 5 personal training tips

Hello Atlanta Fitness group I found this article on this site and thought you might be interested and was reprinted from happy .
Top Fitness Tips...
...according to Atlanta Personal Trainer Corey Ritter
by Corey Ritter

Atlanta personal trainer, to provide his top five fitness tips for increased energy and reduced stress to share with my Daily Dose of Happiness readers. Here is what we shared with the readership...

Atlanta Personal Trainer Fitness Tip #1:

Eat lean protein every three hours! Proteins main function: Help build and maintain healthy muscle. Which in-turn will help increase your metabolic rate to assist in burning body fat. Good sources: Egg Whites, Chicken Breast, Sirloin Lean Steak, Lean Ground Turkey, Fresh Fish, Protein Shakes.

Atlanta Personal Trainer Fitness Tip #2:

Walk around the block. There are many benefits to be gained from walking. These can include more energy, deeper and more satisfying sleep, stronger leg muscles, lower body fat, higher metabolic rate, and reduce stress! Everyday for 20-30 minutes at a brisk walk. Preferably first thing in the morning!

Personal Trainer Fitness Tip #3:

Stretch, Stretch, Stretch. Anytime, but at least once a day one week before the wedding. Increases flexibility, reduces stress, improve coordination, increase circulation and it feels good, just to name a few benefits. Hold each stretch for a minimum of 10-30 seconds, repeat 2-3 times.

Atlanta Personal Trainer Fitness Tip #4:

Avoid simple carbs! Their rapid absorption increases the chances of sugar converting to fat! Stay away from foods like: Bagels, pies, cakes, potato chips, many ready-to-eat cereals, white pasta, white bread, juice drinks with added sugar, alcohol, candy, soda pop, and syrup!

Atlanta Personal Trainer Fitness Tip #5:

Drink plenty of fresh, clean water. Yes, I know that you have probably heard this one over and over again. But there's a reason for that - it's that important! It aids in fat loss, detoxifies the liver & kidneys, & carries away waste from the body. It's recommended for best results to consume 8 10-ounce glasses of water per day.

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