Atlanta Personal Trainer and Fitness Training

Jeff Michaud is a Atlanta personal trainer who can improve your fitness level. I'm also a USPTA tennis instructor. This site is dedicated to personal fitness and health in Alanta GA.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Comparing running on Roads and the Treadmills, strategys and thoughts

Running on roads can be quite a shock to the system if you're not used to it, I had a personal training client who was disappointed in his performance and struggling to see past this temporary setback, This is the practical training advice to help him succeed in pounding the streets and moving from the gym and his treadmill.
His running question "I have just started running outside (with a GPS watch), whereas previously all my running was on a treadmill. I've found it so much tougher outside, it's really depressing! Either I stick to my treadmill speed and can only manage half the distance I would normally expect to do, or I run at a comfortable pace, which is about 1mph less than I would normally run indoors. Is this just me or do others find a big difference. The answer is yes but with some of the below stategys's and thoughts. First Making time to run is more important than where you do it, I recommend running in a variety of surfaces and different times of the day etc. Increasing the belt speed is the best way to mimic running outdoors
Running on a treadmill is easier than running outside. I tend to set my treadmill to one mph faster than my outside speed to get the same as an outside workout. I personally wouldn't set an incline on your treadmill to replicate running outside as it doesn't use the leg muscles in the same way. Although that's good for all-round toning, if you clock up loads of miles on the treadmill it'll build up your calves in the wrong places. · Structure your sessions according to your goals
• It all comes down to why you run. If it's for fitness, it does not matter that you are slower outside, a workout is a workout. Follow a training plan and you will get faster and fitter. If you are training for a race (highly recommended, especially somewhere different to where you live and train), then you need to run outside. If you run because you love running then this is a moot point - who in their right mind wants to run on the spot breathing in stale air? As for jeering idiots, the population is getting fatter while you're getting fitter, so think happy smug thought and keep running

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