Atlanta Personal Trainer and Fitness Training

Jeff Michaud is a Atlanta personal trainer who can improve your fitness level. I'm also a USPTA tennis instructor. This site is dedicated to personal fitness and health in Alanta GA.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Comon injuries of part-time athletes. Tips to avoid and to lesses injuries

Our body long to be active, But we need to temper it with a consistent program, so that when we do go out and participate in tennis, running, swimming, golf, whatever it is, that the muscle memory is there so that that body part performs without getting injured. As you get older into your 40s and 50s because the body loses the memory of the muscles and so it takes more time to warm up the muscle and if you use it in a competitive way without warming up, you're going to injure yourself. The other part is start out slowly but a exercise program, this where are a personal trainer or other fitness pro can help, bad technique can lead to real programs.
The other part is once a program warmup slowly, I like to start out with abs(Situps, crunches etc.) training

In the upper body it's a seasonal thing. In spring and summer men and women like to play tennis, baseball or softball, generalized overhead racquet sports. Early March April here in Atlanta especially is when we see rotator cuff tears, that is, shoulder muscle tears. That's simply because the muscles have never warmed up and the winter has passed and they haven't used that body part. The other problem with the upper body is the weight training clients that insist on doing high weights with low repetitions, as opposed to doing low weights with high repetitions.

The common lower body problems are with joggers, runners and to a lesser extent walkers who increase their mileage suddenly and may go out while they're used to doing two miles, and suddenly do 20, and get knee pains that promote early arthritis to the knee, because they didn't build up the muscles around the knee, that is, the quadriceps muscle. People don't stretch because it is annoying, but when they start playing running sports like baseball or soccer, they get groin injuries, hamstring tears and even some foot injuries.
With good form understanding your limits and hopefully some good coaching these problems can be minized

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