Atlanta Personal Trainer and Fitness Training

Jeff Michaud is a Atlanta personal trainer who can improve your fitness level. I'm also a USPTA tennis instructor. This site is dedicated to personal fitness and health in Alanta GA.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Slim down-shimmy exercises, great little ab workout

The Slim-Down Shimmy, from a great article from in:,5778,s1-2-87-1-7391-1,00.html
A new way to slim down your belly--in just 15 Mindy Berry

Does the sight of your tummy in the mirror make you hold your breath and suck it in? Unfortunately, the reflex is a common one: As women age, extra pounds tend to migrate to their middle, research shows. But you can get that flat-bellied look you crave if you commit to doing regular tummy-toning workouts, like this 15-minute routine created exclusively for Prevention by Melissa Michalak, a Middle Eastern dancer and creator of Bellycore, a belly dancing and Pilates class."Like Pilates, belly dancing focuses on strengthening your core," says Michalak. "But when you do it, your abdominals work even harder to isolate your hips from your ribs, resulting in a flatter stomach and more defined waist." And if you feel a little silly when you start shimmying in your living room, remember this: The reason these graceful moves have lasted for more than 2,000 years is that they work!Warm-up
A. To engage abdominal muscles, stand tall with feet hip-width apart, shoulders relaxed, head directly above spine. Place a hand on lower belly, thumb in navel, and rest other arm at side. Inhale deeply so belly and rib cage expand. Pause.B. Exhale completely so you feel waist narrow and belly flatten, and contract pelvic-floor muscles as if you were stopping the flow of urine. Repeat warm-up 5 times.Twisting Shimmy
Stand tall with feet a few inches apart and knees slightly bent. Raise arms out to sides and relax shoulders. While holding abs in, rotate left hip forward and right hip back, keeping rib cage still. Then rotate right hip forward and left hip back. Continue rotating forward and back like a washing machine for 60 seconds. Tip: After your first workout, try to increase speed of shimmy.

For more info please feel to contact Atlanta, fitness instruction, tennis instruction, 404.451.8872


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