Atlanta Personal Trainer and Fitness Training

Jeff Michaud is a Atlanta personal trainer who can improve your fitness level. I'm also a USPTA tennis instructor. This site is dedicated to personal fitness and health in Alanta GA.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Personal training session for Kids

This article will deal with things to think about for Personal training session for Kids.
In my other article entitled Group Personal/fitness training session for Kids I discussed the pleasure I get from working with young people and working out and fitness training with them. It is very rewarding to start kids with good workout and eating habits. Things to think about as far as what to think about before you sign your child up for personal fitness training. What kind of shape is your child or children in, do they enjoy physical exercise, working out and sports and physical activity in general, what are there strength's and weakness and have some goals in mind for them to achieve.
In the last article I spoke about the right age for group fitness for kids can be as early as 2,3 years old, for swimming even aslow as children a few weeks old. The age that I think seems to me to be the most appropriate is 7-8 years of age is about the right time for quote and unquote for the average child from the terms of maturity and physical and psychological development for private fitness instruction. That being said there are kids that will benefit and grasp the techniques at a very early age, some kids might even need earlier intervention to improve there physical strength, endurance, quickness, nutrition etc, other children even as young as 3 or 4 years old could benefit greatly from private sessions, especially if there involved or see potential for high level athletics. For kids 4 years old or older, group kid workouts and fitness classes makes the most sense to me. For real young children (3-5 yrs of age) a lot of the group sessions are spent doing traditional workout things, like jumping jacks, lunges, arm circles, stretching exercises etc, for kids I also add non traditional activities: throwing and kicking balls, juggling, hacke-sac, and other body movements to development coordination to work on motor skills.

For private sessions for just about everybody from kids to adults I start with light stretching and go into ab work (abdominal exercise, sit-ups, crunches and such) this period of stretching and ab work usually last anywhere from 5-15 minutes, I will usually move onto the main event, weight baring exercises, alternating upper and lower body exercises, spicing in Cardio and aerobic activity: Elliptical, treadmill, but my favorites exercises for this period would be things like jump rope, jumping jacks, these aerobic bursts are best at about 5 to 8 minutes.

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