Atlanta Personal Trainer and Fitness Training

Jeff Michaud is a Atlanta personal trainer who can improve your fitness level. I'm also a USPTA tennis instructor. This site is dedicated to personal fitness and health in Alanta GA.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Shin soreness through exercises, cause and treatment

I had a client come to me with a problem with shin soreness. We tried some different things like anti inflammatory- Ibuprofen to take away the inflammation and then hopefully the pain and soreness in addition, ice and when possible rest. We also did calf raises and calf stretches, quad stretches and leg extensions. My thinking was that she had shin splits and these would be the most reasonable exercises to resolve her problem. My client finally when this did not help went to see a specialist. The specialist came up with a diagnosis of a problem with weak ankles leading to the shin pain. The doctors theory is that my client Kim had just taken up tennis and had increased her activity so the calves were strong but the ankles were slower to develop and caused the pain to radiate from the ankle up the shins. The treatment is do the above-mentioned items but to add a few other exercises and strategies. The doctor told Kim that she needed to stretch, strengthen and build up the ankles. The first exercise is a series of exercises balancing on a pillow, Calf raises, ankles and feet turned inwards and outwards, and I recommend about 30 repetitions. The next exercise is do one leg balancing on the pillow; this is done to work on the balance for the ankle. We will even do such exercises as bicep curls, upright rows and other upper body exercises still standing on the pillow. There are also boards with half ball on the bottom that is called balance boards that are very helpful. We will let you know how Kim does in the coming weeks.

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